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Monday Motivation & School Update!


Jak Angelescu

Okay, so here’s some Monday motivation for you guys!
Have any of you ever had braces? If you have, you know that when you first put them on it hurts like a BITCH. The dentist will tell you to wear them for a week and if they still hurt, if you want you can remove them. Well, a week goes by and you tell your dentist “It doesn’t hurt as much, if at all.” Guess what they do? They tighten the braces and make it hurt ALL over again.
But this isn’t done in vain. You go through the pain because you know the payoff is going to be more confidence from having straighter teeth and a smile you’re willing to suffer for.
So why don’t we take the same thing into account for everything in life? Why do we sit in the lap of comfort when we KNOW that the only time real growth happens is if we suffer for it? Then the moment something starts to get easy, we have to challenge and push ourselves again into “pain and discomfort” so more growth can happen.
Example for me: I’ve been playing guitar a lot more religiously and in better ways lately. Yesterday I almost quit because my fingers were getting sore. Yet instead of quitting, I took a rest and rubbed them out. About an hour later I came back. Still slightly sore but not as bad. Today I am fucking ecstatic to say that I improved my BPM on lesson 29 by 15!! And it’s a lot more relaxed now.
Also, as a book I’m reading quotes “Writers who struggle don’t know one thing that successful writers do. And that’s the fact that the hard part is not writing, it’s sitting down to write. Don’t be a writer who doesn’t write, a painter who doesn’t paint, or an entrepreneur who doesn’t try.”
Are you a guitarist who doesn’t play guitar? Are you a runner who doesn’t go out and run? Essentially, are you longing to be something that you’re not working towards? It’s in you to make it happen. The hard part is actually STARTING the journey!
We have less than 2 months left in the year and I invite you to really gauge your life and ask yourself if you’re happy. Don’t fucking give pity parties either and play the victim. Victim mindsets don’t get you anywhere. Instead really think if you’re happy right now. With anything. If you’re not, change it. Rise above the challenge because you have no other choice in life other than to succeed. And my personal quote goes, “If your team leader is upset with you it’s not because you didn’t take their advice. It’s because you don’t believe in yourself as much as they believe in you.”
Now on to the school update!!
Since Syn mentioned it on the Ernie Ball podcast about the big site overhaul I’m clear to mention it here:
The new website is fucking amazing. I will tell you this, it has been a fucking HONOR being the “monkey-in-the-middle” between you all and the main squeezes behind the curtain. Because I’ll tell you all this..
They have listened well. You’re going to be head-over heels for the new site and I KNOW FOR A FACT it’s going to drive you all more than before in all areas of your life. You’ll love it. Believe me. And it’s been my privilege to contribute to it.
Set your goals for the week and make them goals that help you in your future. Write down THREE NON-NEGOTIABLE things you want to do every single day that help you reach your long-term success. AND DO THEM EVERY FUCKING DAY. In this you’ll find yourself turning opportunities down, but if they don’t benefit your long-term success they aren’t opportunities, they’re road blocks.
Love you all!