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Question about CAGED system

Pablo De Miguel

Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    In the lesson 30 papa gates teach how to change between diferent pentatonic scales(over the chords C,D and G) in the same position and in the Syn´s tips says that try to play it in diferent “general” poitions and he tell us to play the D chord in the “G” shape and the chord in the “C” shape which are the both of them in the 7 position, right? but he also tells to play the C chod in the “E” shape but it isn´t in the 7 position ,it is the 8 position and i get confuse at these point,should i play the pentatonic scale of C in the 7 position anyway or play it in the 8 position??


    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    I think with general position he means that in this way it takes as little movement possible to chage chords. For example.D in G shape is a bass not on 10th fret, 9th fret on A, 7th fret on D G and B and 10th fret on the high e. The C shape of G is 10th fret on A, 9th fret on D, 7th fret on G, 8th fret on B and 7th fret on high e. C chord in E shape is 8th fret on low E, 10th fret on A, 10th fret on D, 9th fret on G, 8th fret on B and 8th fret on high E.
    As kan be seen you don’t really change position if you play it this way. It all revolves around the 7-10 frets and so I would refer to it as being all in the relative same position.
    As for where you want to play the pentatonic scale. You can do it in the 7th position or the 8th position what matters there is mostly which color tones you pick and which notes you pick in general.
    Hope this helps a bit