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Search results

  1. gabi.amour

    Left handed and acoustic guitar

    Man, I liked you! 😂😂 Thanks for the suport 😉
  2. gabi.amour


    I liked it!!!!! 🤩🤩🤩
  3. gabi.amour


    Syn could release piano videos, I think it would be easier for me lol
  4. gabi.amour


    I confess, the acoustic has hurt my fingers too 😅🤏 I've had to use violence to get the strings tight enough, a guitar is so much smoother 😩 But it has worked, focus 🫣
  5. gabi.amour

    Mr Bungle in The Stage - B Side

    Its a short vídeo, its a few years, 3, 4, maybe, to be honest, I dont remember the context, but he is sitting in the corner of a small stage, playing an acoustic guitar. Johnny and Zacky are in the video too (I think, I dont remember 🤯🤯🤯🤯) I searched for a long time to send you the link, but I...
  6. gabi.amour

    Mr Bungle in The Stage - B Side

    Omfg Chris, you said everythiiing! Malagena Salerosa is sooo amazing! Shadows singing in Spanish was PRICELESS 😫💖🤏 by the way, I would like to hear Syn singing in Italian again too (do u remember this short video?) So, I’m Brazilian, give yourself the opportunity to listen Malaguena Salerosa...
  7. gabi.amour


    Hey! There's nothing to worry about. 🤗 The people here make us feel at home and every question is answered! I happen to be rehearsing with an acoustic guitar, and I've been told that most of the lessons can be interpreted that way, as well as giving my fingers more strength for when I use a...
  8. gabi.amour

    Mr Bungle in The Stage - B Side

    Several fans have FILLED THE PATIENCE of the guys over the new album. 🫠 This insistence annoys me so much! Man, when this album is done, this shit is done! It just like that. Some are impatient and I honestly still haven't gotten over The Stage B side! 🤘😩✨ Seriously, how many times did you...
  9. gabi.amour


    Thanks, Cleo! Glad to see you here
  10. gabi.amour

    Left handed and acoustic guitar

    Thanks! I'll rock!
  11. gabi.amour

    Left handed and acoustic guitar

    I'm left-handed and I'm loving the app's alternative of flipping the screen mirror 🥹💖 By the way, did anyone here start lessons with an acoustic guitar? 🫠 Is it ok? ‘Cause for now, that's what I have! xx, G
  12. gabi.amour


    Hey, Javier! ✨ I’m starting and diving into this experience. I have a feeling this app will be good even to test my bad English 🫣😅
  13. gabi.amour


    Thanks for the kindness, Gabby, glad to meet u too! 🤗💖💖 How the classes has been to you?
  14. gabi.amour


    Thank u sooo much, Alicia! 🤗 I'm still discovering the app, but I'm loving it! 💖 If someone is translating then I arrived at the right time 😅
  15. gabi.amour


    Thanks so much for the support! I don't know how I didn't end up here sooner 🫣 I'm finally in! 😎
  16. gabi.amour


    I'm still amazed at how amazing the quality of the classes! I don't speak English very well, 🫠 but I've been able to keep up. Everything is so visual and dynamic. Syn is one of the best guitarists in the world and he’s giving lessons for free is very noble. 😩🤌✨ I am excited! Good luck with...
  17. gabi.amour

    JEEN-YUHS A Kanye Trilogy

  18. gabi.amour


    Hey, I'm new here! 🤏 I'm loving how short and simple the classes are, this has helped me a looot! Any Brazilians in the community?
  19. gabi.amour

    Ok, now im gonna start to use this. Who?

    Ok, now im gonna start to use this. Who?
  20. gabi.amour

    oi, gente, o que que é isso aqui????

    oi, gente, o que que é isso aqui????