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Signs you NEED to change strings?

Ben Thorpe

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
If your guitar begins sounding not quite “right” (for instance, my guitar has this warped fazy sound with or without the amplifier and it is becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate between different notes and pitches), is it time to change strings, or would that be another problem I should look into? Is this a sign that my strings need changing or is it the guitar? Is this normal? Thanks!


I dont think any amount of DNA embedded in your strings really changes a note by a semi tone. It might need just a general set up with a technician – including new strings. Trust rod may need adjusting. The notes where you find it hard to differentiate, what are the frets like? are they dented inwards? When was the last time your guitar had a bit of maintenance? Change strings, if no difference, then take it to a tech!

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
Basically, when the strings start to turn brown from rust build up its my tell a tale sign I gotta change them. But, with floyd roses, its such a pain to do so I usually am lazy there hah.
But yeah, I am not 100% sure how much older strings effect tone, but it definitely effects your fingers when you try to slide through a rusty part, and cut your finger lol.. also can build up some nasty blisters that way too lol
buuut, yeah, I’d take that in to a tech to atleast take a peak. Or talk to him and he might have a suggestion for you. I go into the music store all the time with questions like this, they are always more then happy to help.

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
Yup^^ thats the rust starting to build up. If you’re like me and you’re hands sweat a lot it shows up a lot faster. Hard to keep your hands dry sometimes. And yes there is stuff for that, but my skin is kinda dry as it is so I’d prefer not to super dry it to avoid the sweat that comes from playing. lol
But I agree with the recording part, should always start with fresh strings there. Best tone posssible, unless you like the extra feedback older strings can sometimes bring.
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