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About To Create A New Practice ''Idea"

Isaac Moss

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Hey guys! So I know I’ve talked about this before but I’m about to start implementing a new practice routine that is really simple in it’s philosophy, so unlike what I’ve been doing for 4 months now. Anyways a while ago I watched a video where this guy who’s an incredible player named Claus Levine talked about how he got his skills up to par. He said that a great way to practice is to spend at least 75 percent of your time on ONE thing and you could maybe set a goal or something or a time frame like two weeks or so to see what results you get doing that one thing a lot. It makes sense because you’re always seeing results and you can move from task to task and conquering each one at a time.
In my own experience this really has worked, I went from being able to play stuff only like Smells like Teen Spirit solo to The Enter Sandman solo in like 3 three months just practicing that. Which is 100 percent of my practice time I know but it’s pretty close to the 75 idea. I’ve been doing almost nothing else but the Hail To The King intro riff for a little over a week and I’ve got it at 97% now! So within a few days I should be moving on to practicing my own original solo as my “focus” which I can’t wait to do!
But anyways I plan to spend to practice my Focus idea which I’ll probably get about three hours on weeknights, then one hour of Alternate picking(because that helps everything) then ten minutes of downpicking and ten of trills and 30 minutes of improvising. Also 20ish minutes on Ear training in the morning. So for about 5 hours a night that might not be exactly 75 percent but it’s pretty close and on weekends I basicily practice my focus all day long so it’s probably more like 90 percent!

Firsty Lasty

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I have benefited a lot from listening to Claus. I don’t 100% follow his advice on things, but he was probably the biggest reason that I was able to go from being complete shit to having the confidence that I can learn almost anything.