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Good low-intermidiate guitar solos

Dylan Tower

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
so I’ve been looking for a guitar solo that could help with the techniques I’ve been working on here (sweeping, legato, economy/alternate picking) but have been getting frustrated. I feel like no matter how long I spend on a lick I always stay stuck in the same place. I’m looking for something not as straightforward as gunslinger but much less than afterlife or something of that nature


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
For legato you can pretty much try anything dave Murray did. For Alternate picking you can try Paul Gilbert stuff. For sweeping and economy picking maybe try Hail To The King or Another A7x solo from Hail To The King or the stage. Some Marty Friedman stuff can also help sweeping but his note choice and the stuff het uses can be a bit weird

Jake Young

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
I second the Mark Tremonti suggestion! I always say Mark pretty much taught me how to play guitar..although we’ve never set together with guitars. Syn doesn’t use a whole lot of Legato on his records..there’s some just not a whole lot. But “Seize The Day” is a good one if you’re wanting Avenged solos. “Nightmare” is tricky but not extremely difficult. I always tell people to learn some Slash solo’s..they can be rough too but it’s a lot of pentatonicy based licks just played somewhat fast. “Don’t Cry” has one of my favorite solo’s ever..it’s not too hard but has a lot of great technique.
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Dave Ward

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
I think for low- intermediate level solos technique wise you want to look at Zeppelin or Sabbath. But remember what made these solos great are the timing and feel – technique is only a tool for expression. Also don’t neglect bending and vibrato which while hard to learn gives the guitar a real voice.

Ed Seith

Supreme Galactic Overlord
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    Ward knows his stuff. While learning to shred is fun and important, if you don’t also learn to phrase well and be genuinely expressive, while also staying IN TIME, it all just sounds like another YouTube wankfest lacking real musicality. I find a lot of those guys really daunting to watch, but I have to remind myself that if I got onstage with them – STANDING UP – with a band and an audience, most of them would probably be lost.


    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    @Ed You and Dave are right. Phrasing an playing in time is very important. Especially in a band situation (you also have to be Lucky enough That your drummer tells you That you are not in time) but it is also possible to learn to play in time and shred at the same time like Syn does. And indeed (some) Led Zeppelin stuff is a good place to start perhaps I would add Rithie Blackmore to the list. Het shreds some times but het also has songs that are a bit less shreddy and have great phrasing
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Dave Ward

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    I usually look up tabs and try to correct stuff that’s wrong but That is mostly because I am really lazy. I probably could and should do it by ear

    Same. I think personally once you know a fair bit of guitar you can tell a bad tab just by the fingering position. Guitar, in general, is a very pattern based instrument and most players will adopt fairly similar ways to play a lot of music. There are exceptions but if a tab feels really awkward and your a pretty decent player maybe look for ways to play the notes with a different fingering. That is assuming the notes are right in the first place.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection