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Ana Psuturi

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Kalie don’t give up. I remember myself struggling through the first week of learning guitar. I was making little progress and dealing with sore fingers. But after couple weeks of hard work the progress I made was so rewarding. If you don’t have much time to play it, since you’re playin other instrument as well, give at least 15 minutes a day, also make it fun for yourself,try to learn some simple songs and melodies, and you’ll see that you’ll make progress in no time. Good luck!


It’s hard finding practice time especially when I’m playing Clarient. I made it very clear with my parents that I’m quitting concert/marching band after this semester. They don’t seem find of the idea of me playing guitar and they don’t like listening to me play anyways. But I’m making the decision so I actually have free time to play.

Jake Young

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
“Paradise City” came on the radio on the way to a friend’s house about 18 years ago. My friend had just got a guitar for Christmas and I was dying to play it because I had never held one. My 12 year old self thought “man, it’d be so cool if I got there and could just rip that solo.” …I couldn’t even make the damn thing make a sound other than “click” talk about discouraging.. I guess moral of the story lol its hard! It’s really hard in the beginning! And after 18 years of playing there’s certain techniques and just things that you aren’t use to that are still just plain hard! Things do come easier after you make it over the first few hurdles. Guitar is a journey!! A wonderful journey!! Always something more to learn. Just try to take your negatives and turn them into positives. Count every little tiny minute improvement as a HUGE victory!! You’ll get there! And you’ll love it!! Just do not give up!!!

John Meade

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Don’t quit! Hold your head up and push on, an older man once told if I wanted to play like him I need to play at least an hour everyday for 10 years and even then i may not play as good as him but don’t stop!
Guitar is not easy as it looks takes a lot of time and practice (Trial and error.)

Jen Hapke

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
If you really want to play guitar than go for it.
I was about your age when I first grabbed up a guitar and played a bit for about a year and then gave up.
I could play basic chords and strumming patterns but my obstacle was picking single strings.
About almost two years ago I started again and I see the time I play guitar as my relaxing time in first place. It lets me forget all the things going on. Ofcause I want to get better but if something doesn’t goes the way I want it to go I go back to something that makes allways fun to play and then get back later if I am full of energy to deal with the difficulties.
And I tried different ways: For example the picking was still hard for me as I started again and I began to play only with my fingers without a pick and it worked. Later I took the pick again and I thing it was easier to learn it after this indirect way.
I want to say, if something seems to be too hard try something different and come back to it later.
Synner Endless Summer Collection


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
The most important thing is simply not give up. If you continue To practice you will definitely get there. Whether take you a day, a week, a month or even a year doesn’t really matter. It all depends on you schedule and after time, however long it may be, you will be able to play and this stuff will not seem like chinese to you.

Josh Lachapelle

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
It seems as though most responses here were very well put! But sometimes the more encouragement the better, so I’ll add mine! 🙂
Learning Music isn’t easy, especially guitar. There are some days where I get so frustrated I wonder how I’ll ever play a certain part or if I’ll ever! I’m definitely no where near the best guitarist around, but I love playing. That’s the main thing you need, is a love for it. The question is, what do you have a passion to learn? Is it guitar? Maybe it’s not. Maybe it’s drums or something else? But you picked up your guitar for a reason, right? So don’t quit! Keep practicing. It takes time. It’s like a Body Builder, if they want to grow their Muscles they got to keep exercising them to develop them. A lot of Guitar is Muscle Memory where you develop the connection between your brain and your hands over time. Repetition. Practice. Eventually you’ll develop more and more, gradually. Some people get it over night, but most of us it takes time 🙂
So do your best, have fun with it, ask questions (there’s plenty of people here who are willing to help the best they can), and don’t be discouraged! 🙂 If you get frustrated just take a break and come back to it fresh and relaxed! It’ll help tons, trust me! 🙂
Wish you the best with your practicing!

Israel Stefanello

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
No! do not do it, it’s really stressful at the beginning go slow look for easy things first follow the lessons just TSGS I’ve been playing for 8 years and I have difficulty remembering CAGED scales, you get stressed I know too, but guitar is something so beautiful the music is something incredible do not give up we are here anything hugs from brazil

John Robinson

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
Nashville tn.
Kallie,im 50,i started trying to play at 47″and work in a rock quarry and support a family”its hard at first,dont push too hard,start out with Christmas songs or something easier dont try to play like syn or papa gates they have been at it a while,sometimes you have to go slow to go fast,keep at it,when you play the first melody or song and it sounds like its supposed to,you will be hooked!!!!

John Tierney

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Hi Kallie if I may chime in. I understand EVERYTHING your saying, when I got back into it I was full course load in college and was in things like Organic Chemistry, Physics and all that crazy stuff and on top of that I have ADD so it took twice as long to learn in ANYTHING as well as having a crappy guitar. Furthermore I started at 8am and didn’t come home till 9 pm.
What I did.
1) Look at your time over the whole week and find those 15 minutes Papa Gates mentioned.
Options: Before you leave for school do one scale run, or when watching TV do exercises.
2) At school, if you have some downtime (yes you do, dig deep and ask, “is this really important), I have been doing this in a lot of my responses, keep a journal and do some paper theroy like write out chords, keys etc. and since you already play another instrument you have a jumpstart.
3) Save up for a higher quality guitar. The day I got my Schecter Deamon 6, my playing did improve a little.
– SHOP THE DEALS!! NEVER EVER EVER BUY FULL PRICE. Look at holiday shopping like Memorial Day or Easter, stores WILL HAVE DEALS trust me.
4) Talk about it with other people. Share feelings here. I HIGHLY DOUBT anyone will ridicule you here but we build you up with some suggestions to improve. If anyone is putting you down here I’m sure Papa gates and Syn will take care of it.
– Talk to friends at school too.
5) Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J50LspLCh-8
Hang in there and rock on


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Just chiming at the second point John makes. You can right out chord shapes and scales shape during school. For example I wrote the repeated part with the arpeggios(which is maybe repeated to much) in this song during one of my lectures(https://syngates.com/riffs/arpeggio-hell/). It can be hard but writing out chord shapes/scales and arpeggios even chord proressions without a guitar can actually help you memorize them
Synner Endless Summer Collection

John Tierney

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Also I saw you wanted an actual guitar teacher. DONT DO THAT. With your schedule it will just add extra stress on your life because they expect you to just know X thing and when you can’t practice as rigorous it will make it worse and you sink funds into it that can be used elsewhere.
Use this school and other YouTube vids they will convey the same information as an actual teacher