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Going out of tune quick on player series strat

Alicia Willis

  • Nov 11, 2019
    Lexington, South Carolina
    Hey Y’all !

    So, I have a new conundrum. I have a player series strat. It does have a tremolo bridge so I’m used to retuning often. However, it’s going out of tune ALOT quicker than it used to. I am in E standard, and I use 9-42’s....same strings I’ve always used on this guitar. I have made no adjustments or anything. So why am I going out of tune so much quicker than before ? I’m not sure what the issue is. It’s pretty aggravating though.

    Rad Synner

    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Player series strat are pretty much in the mid range of the fender so they are great guitars but the hardware on it is not the best (not that its bad). So first of all, are the strings on the guitar new? Old strings might get out of tune easier. Other than that, If its all the strings, I doubt that it would be the tuners since they are all individual pieces so perhaps the bridge... You say you never made any adjustments or anything and that might be the reason. Because wood always moves (with temperature and all) maybe your guitar needs an adjustment!
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    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Alicia Willis

  • Nov 11, 2019
    Lexington, South Carolina
    New strings, you just may not have stretched them out enough. If it continues to be an issue get thee some Big Bends Nut Sauce and lube the string contact points with it - bridge and nut - and see if it gets better.
    Thanks Ed ! We actually JUST got some nut sauce. I used it on Ashley’s guitar the other day ! Definitely will use it on mine next time I change out strings !
    also,I don’t think I stretched the strings when I put them on before tuning now that you mentioned that. So I’ll make sure to do that next change ! You’re the man Ed !
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    Reactions: Ed Seith
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Albert Campos

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    I was having the same problem with my Charvel I have the bridge set up to float. What helped me was using a pencil on the nut slots, and I also switched to roller string trees. I think they were like $5 on Amazon. But now I am having zero tuning issues. On my Strat I have the bridge tightened down all the way to the body and it never goes out of tune. Hope this helps!

    Alicia Willis

  • Nov 11, 2019
    Lexington, South Carolina
    I was having the same problem with my Charvel I have the bridge set up to float. What helped me was using a pencil on the nut slots, and I also switched to roller string trees. I think they were like $5 on Amazon. But now I am having zero tuning issues. On my Strat I have the bridge tightened down all the way to the body and it never goes out of tune. Hope this helps!
    Thanks ! I’ve got some nut sauce I’m going to try when I change my strings again.
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    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Dec 1, 2019
    Stretch your strings, like, A LOT. My guitar used to go out of tune all the time before I started stretching my strings correctly. To do that, pick a string and stretch it at three different points (toward the guitar's head, in the middle of the neck and toward the bridge). Pull for like 5 seconds at each point for all strings. Then push on your strings with your fingers at the closest point to your bridge, and do it above the nut too. Now tune your guitar, and if you have a whammy bar, push it like it hurt your family. If it goes out of tune, tune it again, and repeat till the strings doesn't go out of tune anymore. I insist on the fact that it made a HUGE difference in my tuning stability.

    Alicia Willis

  • Nov 11, 2019
    Lexington, South Carolina
    Stretch your strings, like, A LOT. My guitar used to go out of tune all the time before I started stretching my strings correctly. To do that, pick a string and stretch it at three different points (toward the guitar's head, in the middle of the neck and toward the bridge). Pull for like 5 seconds at each point for all strings. Then push on your strings with your fingers at the closest point to your bridge, and do it above the nut too. Now tune your guitar, and if you have a whammy bar, push it like it hurt your family. If it goes out of tune, tune it again, and repeat till the strings doesn't go out of tune anymore. I insist on the fact that it made a HUGE difference in my tuning stability.
    “If you have a whammy bar, push it like it hurt your family” 🤣
    Oh dear ! I laughed too hard at this !
    Thanks man !
    Synner Endless Summer Collection