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Should I be ashamed for pirating softwares?

Mladjan Horvat

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Yeah I know it’s bad to pirate and I know that company loses money that way.
I don’t like doing something that threatens the buissness of the company that I love.
However I am just a 16 year old boy trying to express myself, Ive been playing for 2 years now
and Ive been trying to produce my own music. I have some of my stuff on yt.
I use Studio One 2, amplitube 3, guitar rig 5 pro, ezmix, t-racks, ezdrummer and bias fx.
I have more guitar amp sims becuse I wanted to compare them.

Its not really helping when people say “Its little pricy but its good!”
For now im focusing on getting a better pc and getting a REAL bass guitar becuse all of
bass tracks right now are simulated with a pitch.
And I need an actual audio interface, Im just using a Rocksmith cable..

Brian Oravetz

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
It’s not a great idea to pirate software man. I get “why” you’re doing that, but keep in mind, you are part of thousands of people that do steal it. And when you do that, it does cause the price of the software go up, because losses for the business are recovered by passing that on to customers. That’s just how business works.
Yes, they are large companies that offer the software, and it may not seem like a big deal; but when its thousands of people who all feel like it won’t matter to a big company; you have to realize that it does matter.

Ed Seith

Supreme Galactic Overlord
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    Is it wrong? Of course it is. If you didn’t know that already, you wouldn’t ask.
    There are people who try to justify their theft, just like they always have with music, but it’s still stealing someone else’s hard work.
    However – if you’re poor, there are not many alternatives. I’ve done it; I think almost everyone has at one point or another. But you get to a point where it’s reasonable that you can start paying for stuff, and then you should – start with the small companies first – they need the most help to keep going. The guys who build Reaper work harder than the folks who make ProTools, and the ProTools folks are making most of their money from actual professionals who are willing to pay way too much for it.
    You do what you have to when you start, but be honest with yourself and start paying for stuff as soon as you’re able.

    Tory Capman

    One Stringer
    Nov 11, 2019
    Rather than pirate, try to find less popular and less expensive choices to get you started. For example, Reaper is a great first studio software to record with. And it’s probably the best bang for your buck. Free trial that only kind expires, and it’s only $60 to unlock it. The $60 is just to pay for the licensing fees, it’s the same version of the program no matter which one you get.


    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    If you’re still an amateur/beginner, who cares. Go for it. If you wouldn’t have bought it anyways, the business hasn’t lost any actual sales. Remember, with piracy mankind is intellectually richer. Also, you’re not making any money from the music you’re making (I assume) so that’s makes it even more justifiable IMO. I think when you’re still a newbie you shouldn’t spend all that much on software and more on actual gear (can’t (really )pirate that!).
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