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Changing string

Noah Berends

Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Fort Wayne, IN
    I change my strings every other month usually, usually every 3 months on my guitar with a Floyd due to the time difference. When I was playing live more I tended to change them around every month to month and a half. I never really had a set schedule, when they started to sound dull or worn I changed them and that’s pretty much still how I operate


    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    It really depends on whether im playing acoustic or electric. Om my electric i use elixir so they last a bit longer so i change them like once in 2-3 months. In my acoustic I try to do it like once a month but im lazy so that doesnt really happen usually
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Chris Robertson

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    The way I do it, not sure if its right or wrong but it works for me.
    I always put a cloth between the strings and fret board so that only the strings get the conditioner. I was never sure if it was harmful to the wood in some way or not(most probably not otherwise it wouldnt be reviewed so good on most places) so thats how Ive always done it. Then once it is on, I leave it on for about 10-15minutes and then I wipe them down with the cloth.

    Elton Breaux

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    Thank you bro. I can honestly say ive never cleaned them. But now i will definitely do it. Will it help with the life of the strings? I personally use ernie ball 10-52 since im in drop d alot. Every now and then drop c to play bullet for my valentine.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Jak Angelescu

    @calvin “lollll, I’m pretty bad at not changing them often enough. I guess when you can say when the string starts to change colour its been too long”
    I laughed WAY too much at that, because I literally did not pay attention to my strings at all until the beginner lessons of this school. I looked at my strings and they were practically all rusty looking from being two years old 😐😐😐
    But my answer would be the beginner lessons talk about string changing. They talk about how often you should change depending on your playing activity and why. I had no idea that old strings had a problem with staying in tune until I watched that lesson.
    If you play for long durations every month should be fine as long as you don’t have a gig. 😊

    Ana Psuturi

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    I try to change them every two months, but it really depends on frequency of playing and, Of course, the brand matters too for example -Elixirs tend to sound bright longer, than the other strings. But again as long as your comfortable with how they sound and the don’t cause trouble tunning wise- your good.

    Jake Arnold

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    Traverse City
    I change mine everytime they lose their bright twangy-ness. So that (for me) is once every week or two.
    It really depends on how much you play, I play at least 2 hours a day so they get dull really quick on me. On electric thats not really too big of a deal, but dull strings on an acoustic will probably start to drive you crazy and really take away from the sound.
    Definitely wash your hands before playing and your strings will stay nicer longer though! Plus I am probably just being a baby about my dull strings 😂. Its kinda personal preference Id say.

    Jen Hapke

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    I’m not sweating that much while playing so my strings look shiny. It also helps to wipe them of after playing. The last time I changed strings it was because I try around with different strings and I didn’t like the feeling of coated strings (elexier).
    Synner Endless Summer Collection