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And the 6 Magic Note Contest Winner is...

Muz Malek

Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Congrats to the winner and the honorable mentions! Very good! 🤘🏻
I also wanna say that @Ids Schiere, @Muz Malek, @ari.mac and @Batbia also deserve an honorable mention in this contest, because their entries were absolutely delightful! Very good stuff! Shout out also to the fact that my girls are beginners and managed to kill it!

Radu, bestie, I love the thumbnail! Also, too bad I didn't think about bribing you. I could have done that instead of giving up on participating. *sighs*
Ahhhhh i don't deserved to be mentioned alongside these beasts you've placed my name alongside - but thank you!!

It was fun and hope that this contest encouraged more people to - in Syn's words - noodle around more!

Cheers! :rock-hand:;):rock-hand:

Ed Seith

Supreme Galactic Overlord
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    I really hope the riffs don't die down now that this is over. So many entries here because there was a reward. Too many to watch.

    Like I also said none posted on the riff forum so I'm hoping to see more action there going forward with the many new members that have joined the site for this.
    I enjoyed your entry in the contest, Calvin. Well done!

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    I held back on mine. I heard no bends of whatever so I tried to only vibrato. I could have redone it but I'm not here to "win" I just literally didn't play for six weeks and that was the first time I did. It has jump started a writing process that now has seven song bases to mess around with.

    But I'm happy you enjoyed it. I was curious and looked at the viewings. I had 36 or so last time I checked. So I can tell MANY people looked at the videos. But not too many had much to say. I haven't had time personally to watch every one. And it's hard to give feedback due to it being a thread. Tagging everyone is so dreadful lol.

    In the end I just want to see more videos from everyone. It's appeared the social side of the school has dramatically picked up and I see the support for many people but because most still seem camera shy we haven't seen much action. This contest was a good boost to get them to post So i hope you guys keep that up. I will continue to post my songs... But as per analysing them I have to remember what I did first .. there's this one progression I got going on that I recorded months ago.. I can't remember the progression at all lol.

    Miika Raatikainen

    Local Dive Bar Favorite
    Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    The video says it all. Enjoy that glorious thumbnail though!

    To the winners, I will be in touch with you shortly to deliver your prizes ;)
    I am speechless.

    So many glorious entries, and so many dedicated guitar players participated.
    I’m feeling honored for beeing the winner of this contest.
    You all guys did a freaking amazing job.
    And thank you so much.
    Keep on rockin’! :rock-hand:

    // Miika
    Last edited:
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Ed Seith

    Supreme Galactic Overlord
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    Congrats! There were some great submissions. I love how everyone played something vastly different. It really shows the endless possibilities of just six notes. Well done!
    Thanks for the inspiration on this one, PG! It's a KILLER lesson!
    • Like
    Reactions: Jamie London

    Brian Haner Sr.

    Staff member
    Fucking Legend
    Nov 11, 2019
    Thanks for the inspiration on this one, PG! It's a KILLER lesson!
    Thank you, Ed. When I was writing/recording the lessons I was getting bogged down in rules, boxes, positions, etc. I was afraid that all the technical info would be a turnoff for beginning students. I was looking for a way to just make it fun. I wanted to recreate the joy I felt when I was 10 years old and found those 6 notes. No rules, no note names - just doodling around and stumbling on to some cool ideas. I wasn't sure how it would fit in to the curriculum. I ran it by Syn and he thought it was a cool idea.
    It's funny, but I have had more positive feedback about that lesson than probably any other. Go figure.

    Ed Seith

    Supreme Galactic Overlord
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    Thank you, Ed. When I was writing/recording the lessons I was getting bogged down in rules, boxes, positions, etc. I was afraid that all the technical info would be a turnoff for beginning students. I was looking for a way to just make it fun. I wanted to recreate the joy I felt when I was 10 years old and found those 6 notes. No rules, no note names - just doodling around and stumbling on to some cool ideas. I wasn't sure how it would fit in to the curriculum. I ran it by Syn and he thought it was a cool idea.
    It's funny, but I have had more positive feedback about that lesson than probably any other. Go figure.
    Like you said, the rules can get heavy, and you've placed it at a perfect time that new students can get musical and feel a taste of the joy of creativity! Still the king, Big Man!
    Synner Endless Summer Collection


    Free Bird Player
    Apr 26, 2020
    Ahhhhh i don't deserved to be mentioned alongside these beasts you've placed my name alongside - but thank you!!

    It was fun and hope that this contest encouraged more people to - in Syn's words - noodle around more!

    Cheers! :rock-hand:;):rock-hand:
    @Muz Malek I disagree. I thought yours was excellent and one of the best submissions on there. I did a double take with your triplet riff cause I thought it sounded so cool.
    • Like
    Reactions: Alicia Willis

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    Thank you, Ed. When I was writing/recording the lessons I was getting bogged down in rules, boxes, positions, etc. I was afraid that all the technical info would be a turnoff for beginning students. I was looking for a way to just make it fun. I wanted to recreate the joy I felt when I was 10 years old and found those 6 notes. No rules, no note names - just doodling around and stumbling on to some cool ideas. I wasn't sure how it would fit in to the curriculum. I ran it by Syn and he thought it was a cool idea.
    It's funny, but I have had more positive feedback about that lesson than probably any other. Go figure.
    I can totally understand how taking the words away and just say play the notes "makes it easier to understand" them the theory terms and chord names that sound complicated and intimidating. Looking back on a lot of the lessons these days that happened a lot but i think it was more an over whelm of info and wanting it all at once.