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Guitar recommendation help

Hi guys, I'm planning to buy a new guitar for practice. Can you suggest guitars that are suited for pop punk and metal? Preferably around $350. I've doing some research too but I like to hear inputs from you as well. Thanks!

ps: not solely a beginner guitar, altho i stopped playing for quite a time but decided I'd get back to it \m/

Ed Seith

Supreme Galactic Overlord
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    Well, for $350, you'll have a lot of options in the "beat up and covered with stickers but plays FUCKING AWESOME" category, so you should look for a good used guitar. Ibanez, Schecter, ESP, Epiphone, etc, all have great guitars that would be in the $500-750 range new, but would be at or near your price range "road tested."
    Well, for $350, you'll have a lot of options in the "beat up and covered with stickers but plays FUCKING AWESOME" category, so you should look for a good used guitar. Ibanez, Schecter, ESP, Epiphone, etc, all have great guitars that would be in the $500-750 range new, but would be at or near your price range "road tested."
    I'll take note of that. Anyway, what do you think of SGR by Schecter?

    Dominik Gräber

    Hot Topic Tourer
    Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    I got my Red schecter c1 Classic around that price used from eBay :)
    But as Others said, you have a Lot of Options for that Money.
    One Thing thats Pops Up in my mind right now is a Randy Rhoads V I saw at Thomann. Not Sure If it's your Style but might be worth checking out. I guess you really can't go wrong with Ibanez either.
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    Jesse Salmons

    Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
    Nov 11, 2019
    I second what everyone else is saying, buy used and you get a better value. Honestly, schecter omen’s are great, epi lespauls and explorers, ibanez, jackson makes some great value guitars as well. It all depends on your personal preference though! I learned to shred on a epi les paul so thats what i would recommend
    Synner Endless Summer Collection
    I second what everyone else is saying, buy used and you get a better value. Honestly, schecter omen’s are great, epi lespauls and explorers, ibanez, jackson makes some great value guitars as well. It all depends on your personal preference though! I learned to shred on a epi les paul so thats what i would recommend
    What specific model of epiphone did you use though?
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    Used is in my opinion so under rated - most people want new! I bought a schecter sy oyster custom in red and black. And it plays like a beaut and near mint condition. Maybe worth heading to a guitar shop to try guitars at around $600, then looking used when u have found a few you like. Good luck in your search!
    been really searching for used guitars here in the Philippines but most of em are really battered (price isn't justified for the condition) and it's really hard to find a decent one.