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Place to watch lesson videos and tabs

Israel Stefanello

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
thank you
thank you
I saw this channel but sometimes watching the live show of the band the position that is played in the arm appears not to be the same as the one of some videos in that channel
type in critical the 4 lick that is played in the channel is in the position of the fret 12 and the live show syn plays the by 2 fret
but it already helps a lot

Bartosz Tkaczyk

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Warsaw, Poland
You can buy tabs on hallleonard or go to ultimate guitar (it’s basically free except Tab Pro, if you buy subscription you have backing tracks, fretboard etc.) third option – just search in Google, type in for example – Hail to the King tab and choose highest rated, also you can read some comments, people often give reviews so you will know if the tab is correct.
CifraClub is really good channel, it’s in Spanish language but that doesn’t matter because you have tabs.
Synner Endless Summer Collection